Reply To: Testimonial – Let’s hear about your Wins!

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Hey Austin and everyone.

I am currently frustrated myself because I am both selling and buying in a fairly unstable market. But I have come so close now to 3 deals in the last 2 weeks and I am on the sidelines waiting for number one to screw up. Always keep trying never give up it is what separates us from the others. It is Sunday and I am birddogging online, since 6am, and have been texting back and fourth with brokers today as well Looking for those pocket listings. I am initiating another offer today also I have told a isting agent I would give the current buyer , in my way, $10,000 to simply assign to me.

Always think of how to get it and dont be afriad to try new ways. Lets have a Tuesday and Thursday 7pm public YouTube Q&A as well as 10am public saturday and follow with a private Zoom at 11am all Central times.

We are all going to make deals and make real money in 2020 the opportunities are coming just save and keep overhead low.


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