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This Book Could Be Worth A Million Dollars To You!

My new book is available in paperback, Audiobook, and  Kindle on Amazon .
I recommend digital because it can always be with you on your phone or kindle device.
Also the digital form has links to my related videos.  Audiobook is also good because you can multi task while listening. (also some unique bonus material as well) 
Many buy all 3 because it is always accessible when you need it.

So please order a copy and get my free app for iPhone and Android.
Start the new year off right with a plan to keep building wealth.

In this book you will learn:
  • How to make an offer
  • About real estate agents and how to work with them
  • How to buy real estate with NO money
  • How to make money with assignments
  • Formalities of buying and selling
  • Misconceptions about buying real estate
and MUCH more …

I have made tens of millions over my lifetime but started with nothing. I don’t do seminars and I don’t rip off people wanting a better life. There are a lot of phonies out there (most!) so make 2020 a break out year! Wake up and smell the real estate! You’ll be glad you did!

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Tom, I just wanted to share that I used your strategy and it worked. 
I have done some wholesale deals and assignments before, but I bought your book and used your letter word for word. 
I put a mobile home on a lot under contract for $16k and sold for $41k cash.  I had to do a double closing, but the net to me was $25k. 
I probably would have passed on this in the past, but I remember that you said there's "no bad real estate, only bad deals". Thanks for all you do!!!
real estate mentor usa in 2024
Garrett H.

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