Kyle Felix

Hi Hecmir,

Hope you are doing well. So you can check the county assessors website in you area for the property you are considering and the yearly taxes for that specific property should be listed. It should also provide the millage listing to see how the taxes for individual services in that area are being paid (i.e., schools, Fire Dept, Law Enforcement, etc.). You’d also want to check to see if the taxes listed for the property are receiving a homestead exemption, usually designated with an “H.” If so, the taxes you’d pay will be higher than what is listed since you would be buying for investment. It may show you the amount saved by the homestead exemption, which you can add back into the amount of taxes listed for that property to make a more accurate estimate. Can’t think of any other taxes that would have an effect on your ability to make a deal, aside from maybe taxes assessed at closing, but those would be accounted for in the closing costs and separate from actual property taxes. Hope that helps and if I’m wrong on any of that, anyone feel free to correct. Thanks.

Kyle Felix

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