I can teach you the skills you need to become a wealthy real estate investor.

If you have savings but no real estate you are likely falling behind. If you invest without a good mentor you will likely make a mistake that can haunt you for life. I have a proven mentorship package I created, garnered from my 43 years of experience, to share with you that can change your life. Watch the testimonials below, take the Mentorship Survey, sign up for a webinar, and get my book. You can also book a call for a private consultation if you have a pressing matter you need help with.

Four Simple Things Can Change Your Life
make 2024 a new and profitable beginning

1. Learn to Invest 2. Buy/Sell 3. Profit 4. Repeat

Meet Tom

Top App - best real estate book - Get a free starter

I wrote a book. "Wake Up and Smell The Real Estate"

How did I become a mentor? I wrote a book "Wake Up and Smell The Real Estate" and published it in 2019 the book quickly became a best seller on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible. This lead to many requests to mentor individuals and so I began.

My name is Tom McKay and I have been investing in land, commercial, industrial, office buildings, apartments, houses and mobile home park, for 41 years starting at age 19.
My early entry to real estate investment changed my life financially and by age 27 I was a millionaire with a nice rental portfolio and enough income I never needed to work for anyone else again. Now, 30 years later I am still doing the same thing growing my empire and helping others to do the same. Currently I have about 170,000 sf of commercial, residential, industrial, office and food truck & trailer parks.

Watch the student testimonial that are replicating my success through mentorship and understand that you could be next.
It was a very big success and in a relatively short time I could see that my course and mentoring helped students create their own success quickly. By sharing my knowledge many of my students achieved profits that exceeded their own expectations.
Many of my students have created more wealth while in my mentorship then they had created and or saved in the previous 20-30 years. Young, middle aged and retired individuals have become millionaires in a short time.

Toms' Course / Mentorship Program Options for Success

  1.  The Book: “Wake Up and Smell The real Estate”  This will be your first text book. (see book page)
  2.  The 1 month crash course: Big next level step taught entirely by me by video with 4 weekly releases.
  3.  The mentorship meetings & archives:  This is the fastest way to success and continuing education and direct access to me and develop your personal game plan.
  4.  Critical text / phone support on first deal(s):  This is why my student success rates are so high. When in doubt reach out! to me.
  5. The total package: Online Course, 3 month Mentorship meetings and Critical support  
  6. Continuing contact and support from Tom. After you have completed the initial  course / mentorship you can maintain access to our community of investors/students and Tom for critical support for a small monthly fee currently $49.00

Four Week Crash Course

After reading my book, and watching the free content I post on my YouTube channel, the next step in your real estate journey is to take my four week course.

This course is divided into five “modules”, with the first (pre-course) module and the week 1 module being available immediately, and each subsequent module being unlocked at one week intervals.

The course consists of 29 hours of video class instruction, and include a recorded Q&A time, for earlier students who had questions regarding the content. The material builds on the strategies I lay out in my book, strategies which have made me tens of millions over the years, as I flip properties of all types. The material covers, among other things:

  • Creating opportunities the way I have for 40 years
  • Assessing risk
  • Approaching sellers
  • How to make offers
  • How to bargain and negotiate best terms and price
  • Dealing on the phone and face-to-face
  • Working with and without Real Estate Agents
  • Finding buyers
  • Flipping and assigning without ever buying
  • Leapfrogging and birddogging
  • Many new tips to have advantages over the competition
I will cover everything I feel you need to know in 1 months time frame to get you jump started and thinking like I do and investing the way I do.

Mentorship Program

In addition to the four week crash course, I also hold live meetings over Zoom at least two times a month where I will answer questions on real estate investment including members current deals and issues.  This will include flashback details on deals I have made the past and present. These meetings are typically held Saturdays at 10am central time.

In addition, members have access to:

  • Over 100 archived mentorship meeting’s of Tom & member’s with valuable, real time deals & lessons 
  • Members-only forums, where you can interact with other mentorship members, ask Tom questions, or give updates on your deals
  • Members-only videos, posted occasionally by Tom
  • Financial calculators
  • Form downloads

Time Kills Deals! - Critical support is critical to quicker success

When you're pursuing a real estate deal, time is often critical. That is why all members get my personal phone #, so you can text me for support with your first deal. I will answer either by text, voice recording or a phone call. This option is purely for critical events and  should only be reserved for critical support and not general information. I want you to make a deal and use my time efficiently.

For over 30 years I did not share my secrets to success in real estate investing because I did not want any local competition.

There are more than a 1,000 cities in most every state in the USA. In every city of every state, and most countries, the same opportunities exist where deals are made. Everyone has these opportunities around them but most are unaware of how to find them and or how to handle them.

During these meetings it will give me a chance to get to know you and your goals as well you will meet other, likeminded, students that are doing the same things in their own cities. I will address questions and share my techniques and experiences for everyone’s benefit.

It’s my goal to help you succeed. I know the extra help I can give you in this manner is important and will fast track you to becoming a very savvy investor.

I have made many great deals in the past. Most of them taught me valuable lessons and have motivating stories which I would like to share with you. I think fear is the biggest factor that gets in the way of creating deals, and I believe I can help you overcome that fear.

"I want my legacy to be the guy who helped make more people millionaires through real estate investing, than anyone else. I have a fast growing list already."

 New FlipAnything USA Academy tour event NEW: For those that want a bigger experience and alot of 1 on 1 time. Meet me in person and take a vehicle tour over a 1 or 2 day period of many of my properties past and present and details that include houses, lots, land, large acreage, apartments, industrial and commercial properties. Learn from the stories and see the actual properties of how I have made millions and accumulated tens of millions in properties that are different but all very profitable and in close proximity.  Includes power lunch and dinner get together. NEW and limited by appointment only Email inquiries  [email protected].  

"I recommend Tom's Mentorship. I have followed him off and on for 3 years. Tom's mentorship has been instrumental in my success buying two properties and when I needed direct help from Tom with my deal Tom was there."
- Eric
"With Tom's mentorship class and reading his book I was able to purchase 4 homes in two months. One was a duplex and added exactly $4000 in cash flow to my portfolio!"
- Ron D.
"Hi Tom, I would say your mentorship program is absolutely awesome! Also I love the workbook that comes with it and the fact that you tell us exactly how you do deals. I would highly recommend your program to anyone wanting to learn how to make money flipping real estate."
- Glen W.
"Tom's mentorship program was worth every penny. He literally gives you everything you need to know to get started investing the right way. In a world of fake and disingenuous Real Estate Gurus, Tom gives you a straightforward and simplified approach to investing in real estate the right way. If you're serious about investing and making money, then Tom's book and mentorship program are the way to go. You will not be disappointed."
- Kyle O.
"Tom's input has been about as practical as you can get. The information provided is not speculation from some armchair investor, it is hard earned. I would recommend this mentorship to anyone interested in pursuing real estate investment."
- Jaspaul G.
"I’ve read several RE books and listened to even more podcasts and Tom is the best, most simple gameplan."
- Pat C.
"I followed Tom for several months on YouTube, absorbing all the incredibly valuable information he was providing from his 30 years of real world experience. When he offered his personal training, I immediately signed up. Tom over-delivered and answered all of our questions, taking as much time as was needed. Some of those Q&A sessions lasted well over 2 hours. Tom provides amazing insights into real estate and lays out step by step how to be a successful investor."
- Shane P.
"Take the mentorship course. I have felt within one or two classes, I have already received more in value than what I paid for for the entire course. Tom is what you see what you get. He is dedicated to his students; our Q&A often runs over the planned time as Tom answers each and every question to his full capacity. The cherry on top of all this is the support that Tom provides after the course. If you want a real estate education, learn from Tom."
- Allen W.

Course + Mentorship

Four week crash course, + three months of mentorship by Tom via Zoom Meetings and access to Tom's personal phone support on your first deal.
Mentorship is offered only after approval of mentoring survey. Offer Price Includes first 3 months of mentorship. Fill out survey.
  • 5 lesson modules over 4 week period
  • 29 hours of class instruction by Tom
  • 2 or more members meetings with Tom every month during plan.
  • Includes access to library of over 159 hours of private member Zoom meetings full of valuable information hosted by Tom McKay.
  • Critical text/phone support for you when purchasing your first property while enrolled

Phone Consultation's Little as $249.

Have a phone 15 minute consultation with Tom a few minutes on the phone could be worth many thousands.
$ 249-449 Click "options" below
  • Set up a phone call with Tom McKay
  • Will be contacted after purchase to schedule

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